Custom Mobile Application Development Services


Mobile APP Development Services

We provide full-cycle development of consumer-oriented and eye-catching mobile solutions. SDD Technology leads the development process from product concept to delivery and scaling on the market by providing ongoing support at all stages.

Our development team with more than ten years of experience has huge experience in the Android & iOS (native and hybrid) mobile app, AR/VR app, wearable app, and even TV app development.

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ur mobile applications helped various types of traditional or modern businesses to achieve their goals such as:

  • providing customers additional value using mobile technologies;
  • getting additional communication channels with their audience;
  • personalizing the loyalty program;
  • carrying out promotions by sending push-notifications;
  • providing productive tools for their employees;
  • increasing brand awareness.

Our approach to mobile development starts with analyzing the client's business requirements and designing the solution architecture in the “Discovery Phase”. Our understanding of the best practices in mobile development allows us to offer our client the optimal solution in terms of functionality, user interface, and use of the advantages and features of mobile platforms including smartphones, tablets, wearable devices.

Our engineers write clean and productive code, QA specialists guarantee product quality, and our designers ensure users get the best experience. Our reliable experience in building and maintaining many large mobile projects, always coping with tasks with high quality, is proof of our strong ability to take on the development of any mobile product.


Application Development Services


Android App Development

We create quality native applications for Android devices using modern programming languages such as Kotlin and Java.

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iOS App Development

We build applications for iOS devices of any complexity using native language Swift with high quality and full compatibility.

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Hybrid Mobile App Development

We excel as a Cross-Platform Mobile Application Development Company, offering versatile solutions for businesses seeking efficient and effective mobile development.

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Wearable App Development

We are skilled in developing apps for wearable devices like smartwatches, fitness bands, or proprietary peripherals.

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AR / VR App Development

We can help you develop a variety of AR / VR apps for smartphones using Unity, iOS ARKit and ARCore.

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TV App Development

We are ready to run your multifunctional applications for Smart TV whether it is Apple TV or Android-based Smart TV.

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we offer

App Development Services For Big Industries

SDD Technology has been offering a wide range of mobile application development services for big industries and large-scale businesses since 2011.

Our expertise lies in developing enterprise-grade mobile solutions tailored to your specific business requirements.

Logistics & Transportation

We are mastered in developing various mobile apps for logistic and transportation industries including taxi apps, cargo tracking apps, ride-sharing apps, and any other solution based on your needs.

Health & Fitness

We can create applications for training, health and body analysis, as well as software solutions for gyms and fitness centers to let your customers have a virtual loyalty card, have access to sign up for group classes, or subscribe to gym services.

Real Estate & construction

We are skilled in developing mobile applications for Real estate and construction companies helping your clients to experience a virtual tour or 3D visualization of the constructions or enjoy the benefits of a smart home with the resident's mobile app.

E-Commerce & Retail

We can deliver mobile applications for e-commerce and retail businesses to extend their business in digital marketplaces, develop loyalty programs, and build online stores on different platforms as well.

Banking & Financial

We can offer custom-built fintech mobile applications for Banking & Financial business such as e-wallets, currency exchange apps, personal finance trackers, betting, and auction platforms.

Travel & Hospitality

We build a wide range of Travel & Hospitality mobile solutions including booking apps for hotels, travel agencies and aggregators integrated with CRM systems that play a significant role in improving the efficiency of your business.


Technologies We Use



Java is one of the best and most famous programming languages for building applications with a robust and scalable backend. Advanced programs on Java are applicable for our experts to create Android Apps, very fast and smooth.


Kotlin quietly nearly replaced Java in native Android application development. The well-performed results created by our expert developers are the same as Java but with a cleaner programming process and easier maintenance.


Swift, as one of the most useful programming languages, we are mastered in, came into the place of Objective-C with advanced features for developing the best quality and user-friendly applications for Apple devices.


Unity, a well-known game engine, is also very well suited for developing AR and VR solutions. Development is carried out in the C# language, known for its versatility and large community.


Flutter, which comes with the programming language Dart, is a free open-source Google mobile framework that provides a fast and expressive way for our expert team to build native apps on iOS & Android.

React Native

React Native is a professional framework based on JavaScript that helps our mobile development team to build cross-platform mobile applications for iOS and Android devices.

Mobile App Development Lifecycle



The discovery phase is the first step in the creation of every digital product. At this stage, we analyze the entire requirements for the product, determine the customer's expectations, and define the criteria for a successful product.

Architecture design

During the architecture design stage, we define the overall system architecture, formulation of functional and non-functional requirements, security requirements, and technology stack as well.

UX and prototyping

During this stage, our team composes user flows and decomposes business logic into small steps. Finally, we create wireframes connected to an interactive prototype.


In the design stage, the developer team starts to create software by writing code using the developed architecture. The designers give the final shape to the product, and the developers implement the functional modules as well.


In this stage, we test the products under different loads, in different situations, and on different operating systems as well as different types of devices. This guarantees that the product works steadily and correctly in different situations.


After complete testing, the project is ready for release and publication for public access. At this stage, the infrastructure is set up on the release server, the final version is released, and the product is deployed on the client's server.

Release and maintenance

According to a service level agreement (SLA), we guarantee the continued support and development of the product including regular updates and adjustments. In addition, this is the stage at which we consider feedback from real users.
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What is required for mobile app development?

For developing mobile apps, you need to choose a technology stack suitable for your preferred platform. For example, Android apps are better developed using JAVA or KOTLIN programming language while iOS apps are primarily built using SWIFT and Objective-C.


How do I start developing mobile apps?

To start developing a mobile app, for the first step, you need to come up with an idea that how this application can solve a problem related to your business or provide a better service to your customers. You can hire our professional mobile app developers in the next step to help you to achieve your goal.


Which language is best for mobile apps?

It’s important to consider the fact that the best language for developing a mobile application must be chosen according to the requirements of your project. Usually, Kotlin is used for native Android app development, Swift for native iOS app development. There’s also a Flutter framework that uses Dart language that allows common code in creating native apps for both platforms. It’s also possible to develop apps with Javascript, C# and C++.


How much are mobile app development services in Philadelphia?

App development services in Philadelphia can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $100,000+ depending on the complexity of your app. For example, if you’re just looking to create a simple mobile app that doesn’t have many features and user interaction then it will probably cost around $10,000-15,000.


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