2-Track, Development of Custom Software for Freight Forwarding Management

Logistics & Transportation
VueJs, PHP, Figma


Project One Logistics LLC, a freight forwarding company, approached us with a specific requirement: to develop a modern software solution that would enhance their operations and provide an excellent customer experience. They aimed to offer shipment status tracking, a customer portal, online chat functionality, and other essential features to their clients.


The main challenge for Project One Logistics was to create a cloud-based solution that could effectively manage shipments and empower their customers to monitor their own orders. The ultimate goal was to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty while fostering business growth. Additionally, the software needed to be designed with a flexible and scalable architecture to accommodate future expansions.


To address these challenges, we embarked on a comprehensive analysis of Project One Logistics' business processes and aligned our strategy with their goals and budget. We determined that the ideal solution would be a simple and intuitive product with a dedicated client portal.

By implementing this solution, we enabled shippers to track their cargo's status within their personalized area while facilitating direct communication with their assigned manager through an integrated chat system. Furthermore, we meticulously designed the architecture to ensure maximum flexibility, allowing for seamless integration of new features and functionalities in the future.

2 track architecture


The delivered product exceeded expectations, providing Project One Logistics with an easy-to-use software solution for their freight forwarding operations. Notable features of the system include:

  1. Minimalistic UI: The interface offers a clean and streamlined design, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  2. Team member access: The software provides designated access for team members, enabling efficient collaboration and streamlined workflows.
  3. Customer access: Clients have their own personalized access, allowing them to track order status, location, and communicate directly with their assigned account manager.
  4. Order status and location tracking: The system offers real-time tracking of shipment statuses and provides visibility into the current location of cargo.
  5. Shipment route drafting: The solution facilitates the drafting of optimized shipment routes, enhancing operational efficiency.
  6. Chat between customer and account manager: The integrated chat system enables direct communication and facilitates prompt resolution of queries or concerns.

The developed freight forwarding solution fully satisfies Project One Logistics' requirements and boasts a flexible architecture, allowing for easy scalability and the seamless addition of new features. We remain committed to providing ongoing maintenance and evolution of the software, ensuring that it continues to meet the evolving needs of the company.

Technologies and Tools

For this project, we utilized the following technologies and tools:

  • Vue.js: A progressive JavaScript framework that enabled us to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces efficiently.
  • PHP: We leveraged the PHP programming language to develop the backend logic of the software solution.
  • Figma: A powerful design tool that allowed us to create a visually appealing and user-friendly UI design, ensuring an optimal user experience.

With the integration of these technologies and tools, we were able to deliver a robust and high-performing software solution for Project One Logistics.

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2-Track, Development of Custom Software for Freight Forwarding Management