Novoskor, Development of an AI Bot

Information Technology
Python, PHP


The project involved developing an AI solution for emergency call centers.


Our challenge was to automate the work of emergency medical call centers by implementing an AI audio bot capable of conducting dialogues with patients and making decisions on calling ambulance teams.


We conducted extensive research and analysis, focusing on speech recognition and generation models. Leveraging machine learning approaches and a vast amount of open data, we developed a highly effective model that outperformed standard AI solutions from other providers in terms of accuracy on our specific lexical base.

For the user interface and user experience, our specialists integrated the Novoskor AI audio bot seamlessly into the call center's IP telephony system. We designed a simple and user-friendly flow of communication to ensure smooth interaction between the AI bot and the callers.


Our AI solution was successfully implemented in an ambulance call center, where it has demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing the workload on operators without compromising the quality of patient care. The AI audio bot's ability to conduct dialogues and make informed decisions has significantly streamlined emergency call handling processes.

App Features

  • Speech recognition: The AI bot is capable of accurately recognizing and understanding spoken language.
  • Speech generation: It can generate appropriate responses and dialogue with patients.
  • Multilevel decision tree: The AI bot operates based on a sophisticated decision tree algorithm, enabling it to make appropriate decisions during conversations.
  • Integration with VoIP: The solution seamlessly integrates into the call center's IP telephony system.

Technologies and Tools

  • Python: Utilized by our machine learning team for developing the speech recognition and generation models.
  • PHP: Employed for scripting and integration of the AI bot into the VoIP system.
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Novoskor, Development of an AI Bot