Pharmbills, Website Development for a Staffing Company

Professional Services


Pharmbills LLC


The challenge was to develop a modern and attractive website for the Ukrainian branch of Pharmbills LLC, a company that creates remote teams to work with large businesses in the United States. The website needed to be mobile-friendly and provide a user-friendly experience for content management and updates.


To meet the challenge, we decided to develop the website on CMS WordPress. WordPress offers a flexible and user-friendly content management system that allows for easy updating and customization. We ensured that the website had a responsive design, adapting seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices.

Integration with Salesforce was implemented to streamline the company's business processes and enhance customer relationship management. By integrating with Salesforce, the website could effectively capture and manage leads, track customer interactions, and improve overall sales effectiveness.

One of the highlights of the website was the incorporation of captivating animations with a parallax effect. This visually engaging feature added a touch of creativity and interactivity to the website, enhancing the overall user experience.


The developed website for Pharmbills LLC's Ukrainian branch successfully achieved the desired goals. It provided a modern and attractive online presence for the company, allowing them to showcase their services and engage with potential clients effectively. The responsive design ensured optimal user experience across various devices, while the integration with Salesforce streamlined their business processes and improved customer relationship management.

Overall, the website's visually appealing design, easy content management, and integration with Salesforce contributed to enhancing the company's online presence and supporting their remote team-building services.

Technologies and Tools

  • CMS: WordPress
  • Responsive Design
  • Salesforce Integration
  • Animation with Parallax Effect

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Pharmbills, Website Development for a Staffing Company